A touch of Klitmøller revealed

Revealed — the package to our ambassadors contained a small bottle with sand from a selected Cold Hawaii surf spot, a little Klitmøller marram grass, one “Come to Work” Sex Wax, a voucher for one month's stay at Cowork Klitmøller (a really early bird ambassador treat) and Cowork Klitmøller business cards for hyper-local distribution — quite simply, a touch of Klitmøller. The revealer was Pedro Reis from Colab Óbidos. He put it out there — right out in the open on his Facebook.

Pedro is the founder of CoLab Óbidos, located on the first floor of an old farmhouse just above the market street that leads to the main gate and the village of Óbidos. He’s a designer, innovator, nomad, and surfer and one of the many people we have encountered in our efforts to create a matchmaking zone in Klitmøller. Now he’s also an ambassador for Cowork Klitmøller. We look forward to seeing Pedro (with friends and family) in Klitmøller and going to Portugal to visit them.

Det er en livsstil

Af og til er det bare godt at se noget, hvor nogen ser det hele udefra og fortæller historien sammehægende. Hvor der meget her, som minder om de valg, jeg selv har truffet.

Trend- og livsstilseksperten, Mads Arlien-Søborg rejser ud i verden og undersøger, hvordan det er at bo og leve vildt og anderledes. Han taget til Norge for at tilbringe et døgn hos en ung familie i den lille by Hemsedal. De er gået mod strømmen og har valgt at flytte fra by til land for at kunne leve med deres store lidenskab, skisport, helt inde i boligen - bogstavelig talt!

Se programmet her: http://www.dr.dk/tv/se/de-vilde-huse-ii/de-vilde-huse-ii-3-6

Klitmøller er genialt - siger Euroman

Som nogen måske har bemærket, ligger Klitmøller relativt lunt i denne måneds udgave af E-matrixen, dvs. i det nordøstlige flet (finkultur) helt ude øst på skalaen over ting, Euroman mener er geniale. Modsat – under mest latterligt – ligger tangoterrorister på Balders Plads og Dating Naked.  Bare en observation … her sidst på dagen.

Til dig, der ikke ved det: Euroman har det, de kalder E-Matrixen. De beskriver den som “Euromans uforbeholdne, ufuldstændige og uforudsigelig analyse af tidsåndens rastløshed.” I matrixen placerer de løbende alt muligt i fire felter, og kategorisere…

Til dig, der ikke ved det: Euroman har det, de kalder E-Matrixen. De beskriver den som “Euromans uforbeholdne, ufuldstændige og uforudsigelig analyse af tidsåndens rastløshed.” I matrixen placerer de løbende alt muligt i fire felter, og kategoriserer det dermed som mere eller mindre genialt hhv. finkultur (nordøst)/lavkultur (sydøst) og mere eller mindre latterlig finkultur (nordvest)/lavkultur (sydvest). 

Yes, kløgtige folk HAR for efterhånden en rum tid siden påpeget, at E-matrixen er en kopi af The Approval Matrix i New York Magazine, som er en kopi af noget andet, som er en kopi af noget tredje ...

Anyway, I dette tilfælde holder det: Klitmøller ER genialt. 

A touch of Klitmøller

Today, we sent out a little package or "touch of Klitmøller" to our 20 ambassadors. If you want to know what's in it, well, you'll have to chat with one of them.

Cowork Klitmøller is all about the fact that we want YOU to visit Klitmøller more often. Hopefully our place will make it easier for you. When you're here, we'd like to get to know more about you, your ideas and basically the things that make you get up (early) in the morning.

When you come, we will find a work-space for you. If surfing is part of the reason, we’ll tell you what we know. If you dig the great nature we have up here, we'll point you towards our little secrets too. 

We hope to see you soon in Klitmøller. 

Project application submitted to Realdania

Today it happened. Today we today submitted a project application to Realdania, under the program Places Matters. It is the culmination of a long process and one more step in our efforts to create an open-ended co-working space or “a matchmaking zone" in Klitmøller. 

As mentioned earlier, we are one of over 20 projects and we may or may not receive funding to realize our idea. We believe that ours is a good one, and, hence, that we have a fair chance of getting through the next needle's eye. If we do, we have come significantly closer to turning the first sod for what eventually will be the next version of Co-work Klitmøller. 

There will be an elaboration of what we have delivered today –  this is just to mark a milestone in the Co-work Klitmøller history.

Cowork Klitmøller Loppemarked

På årets nok varmeste dag afholdt vi loppemarked på Cowork. På trods af konkurrencen med stranden havde vi faktisk mange gæster, og der blev solgt og snakket en masse. Saftevandet var i høj kurs, og der var nok mest gang i børnenes legetøjsbod. Men der blev også solgt både genbrugstøj og kollektionsprøver, postkort, indrammede billeder og meget andet.
Tak fordi så mange kiggede forbi! Vi glæder os til at invitere indenfor en anden gang. Se billederne fra dagen her

Billeder fra Surfjoint 2014 - måske er du med på ét af dem

I egenskab af af husfotograf for Cowork Klitmøller har jeg taget nogle billeder til dette års Surfjoint. Det er bare en fed dag i Klitmøller. Denne weekend var ingen undtagelse. Godt hjulpet på vej af 25 grader, klart vand og som altid lutter gode mennesker. Sådan en dag er det bare en anelse svært ikke at falde i svimer over Cold Hawaii og Klitmøller - vores sted, vores fest.

Fra os til jer – så skulle du eller én, du kender, være på et af dem, eller er der bare et billede, du gerne vil have, er du velkommen til at bruge løs (bemærk: de simple betingelser). Det samme gælder selvfølgelig vores lokale surfklub NASA. Tak for en fedt fest. Vi ses til næste år!  Find billederne her og download dem alle her

Loppemarked, iskold saftevand, kaffe og kage i centrum af Klitmøller

Vi har arrangeret et lille loppemarked foran Cowork Klitmoller.

Hvornår: Tirsdag 22. juli kl 14-16
Hvor: Ørhagevej 84

Vi håber derfor, at du (og din familie) vil benytte lejligheden til at komme forbi. Det er som det er med loppemarkeder - med lidt held, finder du lige det, du står og mangler. Har du selv lyst til at lave en bod, kan du komme og stille den op. Husk et bord til dine ting.

Vi GLÆDER os til at se jer!

Objectives, key results, and the development of a matchmaking zone in Klitmøller

Many are interested in knowing how far we have come in our pursuit to create a matchmaking zone in Klitmøller. We haven’t been communicative enough, but this is far from an indication that we haven't been working on it.

In general, key people and organisations are positive and constructive. It is, however, one thing to convince the world that it is possible to do what we’ve set out to do in a larger town or city, but it's quite another thing to convince the world that it is possible to do in a village of 830 inhabitants. Is this possible. This is what we’re determined to find out. 

In general, we—of course—want the overall situation to be financially, environmentally, and culturally sustainable. In any case, especially in an area with a population density as low as this one, very few things have to happen to change the situation drastically .  

Flexibility, first and foremost, means scalability. Not only should it be possible to upscale a single matchmaking zone if more people want to join and/or if we want to export the concept to other regions but it should also be possible to downscale during periods with fewer residents and beta-residents.

Nevertheless, we are increasingly confident that we have found the best solution. However, there are some things that need to fall into place before we can reveal the details, so we’ll have more on that later. 

For all of us, it has been and remains a challenge to develop the place and at the same time run our businesses, which for all of us is different from creating a matchmaking zone. To stay focused, I've used my current obsessions, namely the OKR method.  

OKR is an abbreviation for “objective and key result.” OKRs can help you focus on your (company) goals and reflect on progress each quarter. Some of the biggest tech companies in the world use OKRs, including Google, Zynga, Upstart, and many others. OKRs were invented at the Intel Corporation.

Here’re some of the objectives and key results we’ve agreed upon in relation to creating a matchmaking zone in Klitmøller: 

//We must  ensure that the monthly rent for residency isn't too expensive.
Key result: 
//By August 18, we’ll have plan that’ll ensure that residency will not surpass 2,500 DKK/month/person. 

//We must find a suitable location for a matchmaking zone in Klitmøller. 
Key result: 
//By August 18, two possible locations should be found.  

//We need a firm commitment for an adequate number of residents. 
Key result: 
//By August 18, will have binding commitments from 10 residents. 

//We must ensure that the matchmaking zone actually facilitates relationships between residents and beta-residents.
Key result: 
//By August 18, we’ll have 12 concepts for large and small matchmaking events per year. 

//We must create a network that can spread the word about a matchmaking zone in Klitmøller. 
Key result: 
//By August 18, we’ll have 20 business ambassadors in Aarhus, Copenhagen, Kiel, and Hamburg.

I guess my obsession with the method stems from my desire to make a difference. Looking back at things, it can sometimes be difficult to see and remember the extent of any difference. 

Allow me to ramble further about the OKR method. 

It is up to you to define your OKRs. Typically, at the end of each quarter, your OKRs provide a reference to evaluate how well you did in executing your objectives. This feedback can help you plan better moving forward.

Individual OKRs must, of course, be in line with the overall objectives of the project or company. It goes without saying that the more time is spent crafting OKRs, the better your strategy will be, which makes it easier for you (and your employees) to see how they are contributing to the big picture and align with the rest of the team.

Your key results should be ambitious, which means that they should be beyond what you immediately think you can accomplish. If you always reach what you’ve set out to do, it is because you are not ambitious enough. Conversely, it is important not to be unrealistic. 

Over 50% of all participants in OKRs must come "from below." This implies that a project or company where management dictates what individuals should do typically have a hard time motivating the people doing the day-to-day work. In other words, ideally, motivation is what motivates each worker in the common interest of being successful. 

You evaluate your own performance on a scale of 0–1. You’ll give yourself a 1 if you reach or go above the target of your key result. For anything less than reaching your key result, you’ll give yourself from 0 to below 1. The goal is not to get a 1 on each key result, you're actually aiming for a 0.6 - 0.7. 

You shouldn’t have too many OKRs to focus on. Typically, you should have no more than four to six. With more than that, you run the risk of losing focus or, even worse, feeling extreme stress or burning out. 

It’s very important that the OKRs are available to everyone in your organization. Everyone should be able to access and see everyone's self-defined OKRs. 

I have suggested OKRs as something for residents of Cowork Klitmoller to rally around. Specifically, we could meet every quarter for a session where each resident would evaluate his or her past three months’ OKRs and "publish" OKRs for the next three months. 

At this stage, I’m not saying that we’ll adapt the OKR method as part of our community. What I’m saying is that having goals that ultimately can be measured against key results makes it much easier to focus on the things that matter.